In 75 countries it’s a crime to be gay. In 10, it could cost you your life. That’s why we’re fighting for a world where no one has to sacrifice their family, their freedom, their safety, or their dignity because of who they are or who they love. If that kind of world is important to you, start your own fundraiser to help power global campaigns for love today.

If that kind of world is important to you, start your own fundraiser to help power global campaigns for love today.
Campaigns like this one......(inspiring example here)

Every dollar you raise will go to the fight for love and equality around the world.

How much do you want to raise? Here's what your fundraising goal could equal:
  • $100 is enough is power a petition delivery with huge banners and signs
  • $500 is enough to run a powerful social media ads $1,000 is enough to get an TV ad on air
  • $1,500 is enough to get a full page ad in a local newspaper
  • $5,000 is enough to get a billboard up


Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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